So, when I got to work on reworking my stock car cores by trying to shorten them on the table saw it just didn't work out right, ended up getting angled bottoms - pieces just too small to control and a bit unsafe to run through the saw. That meant I just rebuilt the whole thing but shorter and then ran the finished master piece through on the table saw to get my seven cores - six stock, one horse car, and a shorter left over piece.
Good thing there was that left over piece because one of the stock car pieces jammed a bit and a big chunk got knocked out. Serendipity! I cut that piece to lose the chunk and then cut a short piece from the left over and combined the two so that the horse car will be a tad longer than the stock cars. Means there will be more room for the two sets of doors on each side of the horse car. A Bob Ross "happy accident."
With the shorter cores they blend better and the already cut detail pieces should work better with closer spacing. Still much work to do but a step closer.
Those windmill possible pieces I mentioned in the prior post could also stand in for oil well frames (though metal rather than wood so perhaps out of period).
I did make some progress last evening on the old west figures - I cleaned and primed the last six buffalo and primed two more bases and popped off four already painted buffalo from four bases. Once the new six are painted and all ten unglued to bases figures are glued (or re-glued) to bases, I'll have a herd of 120 figures. Then just a matter of texturing the bases and seal coating.
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