Thursday, February 6, 2025

Apaches join (re-join?) the fray

I do believe I've sorted out my Apaches to stay in the collection - 18 mounted with dismounts and another 24 on foot only.  Right now I am at 7 total dead figures but will rummage around and see if I can't find more dead figures to at least up the mounted to have one dead per warrior to be the same as with the northern plains natives; I will leave the foot only at 1 for 6 though.  There is a minimal amount of duplication but none within any of the groups of six.

Still need to name all of those Apache, in time when I have said time.

Speaking of names, going to need a lot more for both the northern plains folk and the US Cavalry.  I've more than doubled the number of both groups.  Why?  Well, besides why not, I need two cavalry companies for the ultimate Battle of Whiskey Hills and similarly will need at least three groups of natives.  And that is good enough reason for me.   Then there is the matter of the army personnel manning the fort including infantry - I guess I'll need names for them, too.  Which brings up the matter of names for the villagers for the Indians - female names should be fun to come up with.  

I may draw the line at naming all of the unarmed non-native civilians but I think I will try to name all of the armed civilians.

Oh, and for the mounted/foot/dead - I will up the total to a minimum of 72 (was going to be 60 but Peter Pig sent that wrong figure which brought it up to 61) and probably 96 so that I can use a fair portion of the 'extra' of those groupings (over 300 individuals), that would add around 10% of those so still a high reduction on the painting front.  I think I will count separately the Mexicans of various stripes from that lot.  And I'll have to double check if I pulled out the dozen Apaches and, if not, make some decisions.

Long term, for Fistful of Lead, I'm thinking in terms of six figure groupings.  When regular FFOL, a player would maybe only run one group.  For larger events using FFOL Bigger Battles, then a player might have up to six groups.  If I keep games to a maximum of six players, then the largest games might have a maximum 216 figures on the table - less any NPC civilians roaming about.  However, going forward, I have made a firm decision that all figures for FFOL will be individually based.

And I need to get some photos up of something soon.  Maybe some of the newer buildings I've acquired - though not yet assembled and painted.

1 comment:

  1. It might be easier to name figures as they interact in some way in the game. It saves time, and you can catalogue them as you go for future use.
