Since the renaming of my "out on the plains" town from Cedar Creek to Lodgepole Creek, I felt obliged to layout the set of Bluemoon's Old West buildings in "15/18 mm" (that will work fine for those doing 1/72 scale gaming, I am quite sure). There is no real rhyme nor reason, I just laid out the buildings to see how much space they take up - and with streets probably too narrow for wagon traffic. There are 25 unique buildings and a few with lean-tos. I even noticed one has an integral water trough! Kinda cool. The length from end to end is a bit over six-and-one-half feet, didn't measure the width.
I had been planning on using other buildings for this town but when I laid these out I thought they would work for Lodgepole Creek. Not a final decision but, like the heading of this post says, a first layout - of these buildings any way - for Lodgepole Creek. Cedar Creek got an earlier layout with other buildings but that poor town got retired before it ever got 'built'.
The building at the far end of the street is the train station, not much more than a whistle stop. One wonders if Hollywood ever got the message that train stations were rather important gathering points for the locals, the gateway into the rest of the world.
The main town, Anachronism, is getting a scratch built station - the passenger station isn't a lot more grandiose than the one photographed here but the freight station is quite substantial. It is not, however, as grand as the riverside warehouse to accommodate boat traffic! The main town is an influential river port, after all, replete with floating gambling houses, aka steam boats.
Losing the light - and no handy skylight - when this shot last shot was taken.
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