Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pronghorn, Bison, and Alkali Wells introduces itself

Here is my herd of pronghorn antelope, a ubiquitous denizen of the American west.  
I'm certainly not going to win any painting contests for my paint jobs but they will work just fine to enhance a game - and maybe suddenly disappear and in their stead a horde of warriors resplendent in their feather bonnets and other war regalia.  Uh-oh!
Just another shot below.
That other exceptionally well known denizen of America's Great Plains and beyond, the buffalo.  This herd is short some stands.
Again, not prize winning paint jobs but they should fill the bill.
Another shot. 
And after I realized I'd shorted the herd, I set it up full strength pointing the other way - and the lighting wasn't so good.
Yet another shot, bad lighting.
From a varied angle.
Strange, wouldn't let me type above this photograph.  Getting dark, spent too much time talking with an elderly neighbor who had just taken his first walk to the corner of his cul-de-sac since the lock-down started, two months.  Nice guy, great sense of humor.   Above is a trial layout for Alkali Wells - less the Catholic church which I am still on the hunt for.
 Not sure if this last shot adds much but I will leave it for now.  The gate was a pet store find, I just liked it.

Actually managed to make some progress today and yesterday in getting the pronghorn antelope and the buffalo bases textured.  I used a chocolate brown paint to adhere the flocking and purposely let some of the brown show through since herds of these creatures churn up the sometimes sparse grass.

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