The below named figures are either all painted or in process of being painted for me (the Mexicans) except for the two last named legends which I need to prep and paint. There are 60 mounted/foot/dead characters and six foot/dead only characters though three of those have an 'assigned' mule. Naturally, all of these figures can be assigned differently in varied scenarios. Also, unlikely they will all appear in a single game together.
The Legends
George “The Dude” van Vittles Jake “Spawn” McGregor
Clark Twilight Johnny “Forest” Blue
Sammy “Shotgun” Mcgillicuddy Daniel “Deadeye” Wastrelson
The Demi-Legends (no mounted versions)
Annie Oakley Calamity Jane Belle Starr
The Wanderers (no mounted versions)
Pete Luster - “Prospector Pete” Patrick Luster - “Little Brother”
Pack Mule - Minty Pack Mule - Woody
Sister Veronica aka Veronica Voluptuous
Pack Mule - Clinty
The Good Ranchers
Wayne Morris “Fondles” Henryman
Stew Jameson Coop Garrulous
Ford Glenburg Lance Burtman
Innocent Farmers
Livy Landsalot ‘Jingles’ Smith
Eldred Gregory Vint Bradley
Newbie Pauls “Shank” Williams
Gunmen on the Right Side
Eli Samuels Willie Chiller
Marvin Leafie Picky Slim
Macquarie “Mac” Stevens Bren Walters
The Upstanding Mexicans
Manuelisimo de Granillo* Dakota Cruz
*El Guberdenadores de las Siete Ciudad de Oro (full title)
Urias Garcia Jose Reyes
Rodrigo Asturia the Priest Stony Aguilar
The Mean Spirited Ranchers
Flint Haymaker Cord Dexter
Mitch Roberts Hoss Wagner
Bron Carlitos “Lash” Whitman
The Drifters
Cheyenne Hill “Rowdy” Tosser
“Bronco” Stang “Skinny” Michaels
Heck Knowles Quincy Jackson
Gunmen on the Wrong Side
Cob Burnjim Elm Jackeye
Duvall Bowman Wynn Keen
Arney Jimmer Boon Dixon
The Mexican Desperadoes
Rafael Castillo Festus Morales
Cisco Lopez “Pecos” Perez
Pancho Hernandez Tagg Estrada
Former Slaves turned Cowboys
Caesar Julius Gil Kingsley
Buck Epps Kit Mulligan
“Red” Barbarossa Israel Francois
Sorted and ready to be worked on once some standing and dead horses arrive - which are on their way to me through the mail already - are the following:
Company F, Fourth of a Fifth Regiment, US Cavalry (18 characters - mounted/foot/dead)
Captain Slater Trumpeter Cobbs Trooper Benton
Trooper Collins Trooper Duddleson Trooper Emery
Lt. Carter Cpl. Agarn Trooper Heinze,
Trooper Lasky Trooper Moss Trooper Murray
Sgt. Hochbauer Trooper Pendleton Trooper Riorty
Trooper Schwabacker Trooper Tucker Trooper Vanderbilt
The Lakota Warriors (36 characters - mounted/food/dead)
The Zuya Sunka War Party of the Winyan Wowapĩ Warrior Society of the Fuh-qahr-wii sept of the Lakota nation:
Six bands of six warriors each to honor the six sacred directions of the Lakota - other tribes being absent, the Northern Cheyenne fill in the sixth band
Blackfeet - north
Brave Knees Laughing Loon Napping Bear
Orenda Runs From Bees Afraid of Rabbits
Brule - east
Howling Wolf Coyote Chuckles Hugging Bears
Lizard Laughing Rumbling Raccoon Snoring Snake
Hunkpapa - west
Laughing Lynx Catches Pinecones Hopping Frog
Moose Rider Sneezing Buffalo Dancing Deer
Northern Cheyenne - down
Smiling Hawk Chasing Rabbits Jumping Squirrel
Leaping Lizards Running Brook Winking Owl
Oglala - south
Takoda Buffalo Knapper Dancing Bear
Laughing Wolf Stinking Farts * Willow Tall Tree
Sans Arc - up
Whistling Wind Beaver Eater * Giggling Grizzly
Rabbit Runs Sneaky Fox Puzzled Panther
Still need to make some decisions and do some sorting on Apaches - and villagers for both the Lakota and the Apache. The warriors need to be, at least mostly, mounted/foot/dead though some could be just foot/dead.
Another need is to sort out some scouts for US Cavalry - and maybe some mountain men. Perhaps some of these figures can do double duty as either scouts or mountain men.
Already have plenty of figures, just need to do the sorting.
And part of what is on its way to me are some additional unarmed civilians as well as some armed civilians (both men and women) to add that element to the invidually based element of my Old West collection. For the armed, will be foot/dead sets; for the unarmed, will be so many foot per dead figure - but not one-for-one. There are certain scenarios in my future where such figures will be necessary.
As a for instance, for the Battle of Whiskey Hills (the namesake for this blog) from the movie Hallelujah Trail requires my variation of the Denver Free Militia - which will be the Anachronism Free Militia. Have those figures as well though may need to resort on the dead a bit. I just seem to have a great need/desire to have lots of casualty figures for this set up.
The year 2025 will continue to see more Old West figures painted, more wagons painted, more wild life painted and lots of buildings painted. Or so is the hope.
An 'ultimate goal' is to have all of the named figures whether mounted/foot/dead, foot/dead, or some-many-foot/only-so-many-dead to be 100% unique figures - but I will, if necessary, compromise a bit and go with different paint jobs if I can't get all the way there on the unique sculpts. To get there may require dropping out some already painted figures and replacing them with owned but not yet painted figures. I guess it might be better termed a hoped for goal than an ultimate one.
And, courtesy of a LAF post, in future, I will do some minor modifications of dead figures to better represent female casualties, simple use of white glue soaked bits of tissue paper to create skirts/dresses.