Wednesday, January 29, 2025

And just when I thought I'd finished...

And along comes a cool idea in a game report at Lead Adventure Forum that I am adopting, adding a funeral procession to the options.  Also adding a few other bits.  The fort is now sorted as well.


6 men, 6 women well off folk for a funeral

6 men, 6 women less well off folk for a funeral but appropriate poses

Included within are appropriate figures for whoever is conducting the service

3 men - one as embalmer, one as grave digger (shovel), and one messenger (or whatever) - undertaker already included in early listings (but not identified in the listing, professionals)

7 men - a band including leader, three different drummers and three different brass - in sombre attire

For better times:

7 men - a band including leader, three different drummers and three different brass - in colorful attire

3 men, 3 women as entertainers, actors, singers, etc.  To join band or dancing girls, etc.

4 boys and 2 dogs - the boys are a different pose and improves the number of male versus female kids

The bands come from my ACW figures, long primed but never painted.  The boys and dogs are from the fort stash for the Old West/Pony Wars.  The other figures are from the 'discard' unarmed civilians - and a nice 'rescue' of the well off folk since that was a special order at a premium price per figure, duplicates of others kept but to be painted quite differently in mostly blacks.

Turning to the fort:

3 men, one mounted man and same on foot as fort commander, top sergeant, ensign, dead man, dead horse

3 lesser command, 6 marching men, 6 marching men, 6 artillerymen (need to pull a gun to add), 4 dead

3 lesser command, 6 firing men, 6 firing men, 6 artillerymen (need to pull a gun to add), 4 dead

edit: need to add in a crew or two for gatling guns!  Mui importante.  Well, actually, already included in the Pony Wars but probably convert one to individual basing for Old West.  And not mentioned yet but all of the army wagons will be useful for both and included in the painting.  So will many, many more wagons of varied sorts that are not army.

6 men on fatigue duty, 6 men at leisure, 6 men with half on fatigue and half at leisure (fatigue are carrying various loads - some duplicates - and those at leisure are resting, eating, etc. and all unique), 4 dead

3 Indian scouts, 1 dead

6 signalmen in two groups, two dead - and signal tower for the fort

6 'naked' horses and 11 stands of stacked arms.  

Need to decide on fort - open and traditional historical or Hollywood stockade.

While the top part of this post are 'additions' to the painting totals, the fort stash is greatly reduced from what was in the stash to what is listed here - and sorted into storage boxes - for the painting pile.  So, overall, a reduction despite the 'addition'.

The adds provide new scenario options with either funerals or various entertainments -  I will be sorting out a bull (from already painted figures) and a bear from those I have for bear and bull fights, might be theatricals, or celebrations with bands playing, or more subdued funerals.  I do have two wagons to convert to horse drawn hearses with one to be painted black pulled by white horses and the other white pulled by black horses; and I have coffins already.  And I even have a nice outdoor stage that I bought for my jousting game setup that I can use for happier days on the table - at least at the start of the 'day'.  

On the fort front, I can see a scenario where the fort is in one corner of the table and at the farthest opposite corner one of the groups of signalmen - and attempts to warn the fort, or an expedition from the fort perhaps, of a pending attack.  Does the message get through in time?  A ticking clock element.  

Fun stuff for my fertile imagination.

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