Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Speaking of funerals...

Here is a photo of all the dead sorted out by unique poses as best I can, somewhere around 40 poses.  The lower left will be the women and children as selected so far.  The vast majority are from Peter Pig.  Those at the very top, in five poses, are from Blue Moon's 15 mm western range.  And those in the center right, above the separation of bags, are from Old Glory 15s ACW range - with a number of unique and a few duplicated poses.  Below those are the Mexican casualties from Peter Pig.  None specific to African or Chinese but I'll sort that out.  A bunch are unarmed and plenty are also armed so that should be reasonably easy to assign appropriately.  And, of course, these are for the on foot only civilians.  Well over 100 figures to more than meet my needs with the reorganization.  
A bit late and a bit tired to finish the assigning but hopefully will get there tomorrow.  


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